Beading Instructions
Seed Bead
Basic needleweaving
may remind you of crocheting. The first row is worked, then
subsequent rows are looped into the previous row. Vertical rows are
worked from left to right (right-handed person). Use this stitch
with loom patterns.
Seed beads - size
10/0 or 11/0
Ordinary mercerized cotton sewing thread; choose neutral color
similar to pattern
#9 embroidery needle
Thread conditioner or beeswax
Begin by threading a
#9 embroidery needle with 1 yard of prepared thread, so that a 5" tail
String one bead of
any color, and position it 3" from the long end of the thread.
Loop the thread back through the bead and pull it tightly. This is
your "stopper" bead. It will be removed later. You may wish to
secure the stopper bead to a flat surface to stabilize the thread.
Thread the beads
from Row 1 from top to bottom (vertical rows are worked from left to
right). Skip the last bead threaded, inserting the needle back
through all the beads on the thread. The needle should emerge from
the top bead of Row 1.
Thread the beads of
Row 2 from top to bottom. Always recount the beads against the
pattern to be sure they are in order. Insert the needle into the
loop exposed at the bottom of Row 1. Pull the thread gently until
Row 2 rests against Row 1 without puckering.
Insert the needle
through the last bead of Row 2 and bring the thread out until it is
taut. Loop the thread around Row 1 so that it nestles in the space
between the last two beads of Row 1. Moving from bottom to top of
Row 2, insert the needle through the next 2 beads from Row 2, and loop
the thread around Row 1 in the space directly to the left of your point
of exit.
Still moving from
bottom to top of Row 2, insert the needle through the next 3 beads from
Row 2, and loop the thread around Row 1 as done previously. Repeat
the looping/inserting process until the thread emerges from the top of
Row 2.
All subsequent rows
will be worked the same, except that the first loop (nestled between the
last two beads of Row 1, will not be made. It is added to the
first row to stabilize your work.
The pattern of loops
may be worked in any way. A 3-bead repeat is the most effective
for needleweaving. If you wish to make a loop between every bead,
the woven piece will be stiffer.
- Upon completion
of all the rows in your pattern, remove the stopper bead, and weave any loose ends back into the
finished piece.
- Attach backing
if desired.
Introduce new thread
when 3" of thread remains on the needle. Remove the needle from the
old thread. Cut a new 1 yard length. Tie a square knot 1" from
where the old thread emerges from the beadwork. Place a tiny dot of
glue on the knot, wiping off any excess. You don't need to wait for
the glue to dry before proceeding. Continue beading as if you were
using one continuous thread. Let the thread ends protrude from the
work until the new thread is well established within the weave. Pull
gently on the ends and clip them close so that they disappear into the
weave. You may find it necessary to use a smaller needle until you
have passed the area of the knot.